WEB Development
What is a server?
Server is anything that provides any kind of service.
There are many web servers available in the market both free and paid. Some of them
are described below: Apache HTTP server.
##What is Apache server? it is free to use and It is the most popular web server and about 60 percent of the world’s web server machines run this web server. The Apache HTTP web server was developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Some high-profile companies using Apache include Cisco, IBM, Salesforce, General Electric, Adobe, VMware, Xerox, LinkedIn, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, Siemens, eBay, and many more.
What is HTML?
Html stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. A markup language is human-readable
Which means it contains standard word rather than typical programming syntax.
some html tags are <h1></h1>,<p></p>,<title></title>,<head></head> etc.
Html code:- <!DOCTYPE html>
Page TitleMy First Heading
My first paragraph.
linkwhat is live server?
This is a little development server with live reload capability. Use it for hacking your HTML/ JavaScript /CSS files, but not for deploying the final site. live server is not restricted. Developers wouldn’t usually referer to a server as ‘live’ just because it’s working.